
From vlwcms Wiki
Revision as of 17:14, 1 September 2009 by Admin (talk | contribs)

FCKeditor is a lightweight HTML text editor intended for embedding in a wide variety of projects. It takes it's name from it's author, Frederico Caldeira Knabben (FredCK.com). You can find information on using the editor at http://www.fckeditor.net/.

Is it well maintained?

In a word, YES. FCKeditor is used by companies as large as Adobe, to tiny content management systems like vlwcms. There is a lot of interest in future development and security of this tool, which is one of the reasons we chose it as the editor for vlwcms.

Is it expandable?

Yes. There is a built-in system for adding plugins to FCKeditor and vlw adds internal links via this mechanism. If you're interested check out the developer's documentation on www.fckeditor.net.

What about the name?

Yeah, well the latest poll on the fckeditor site shows 43% of folks think it should get a name change. The newer versions in beta test will be named ckeditor.